Bike ride to Mollet de Peralada

Cycling route through picturesque villages and countryside

Embrace the beauty of Costa Brava on two wheels

Embark on an unforgettable adventure as you discover the breathtaking beauty of Costa Brava on two wheels. With its stunning landscapes, charming coastal towns, and winding paths that lead to hidden gems, exploring this Spanish region by bike is an experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or a casual rider, Conroco (Roses) offers a range of bike rental options to suit every need and skill level.

A challenging ride towards Mollet de Peralada

With its mild climate and well-maintained cycling routes, the Roses area is the perfect backdrop for an unforgettable biking adventure.  One of the best ways to experience the beauty of Roses area is by cycling through its charming villages and countryside. There are numerous cycling routes that take you through the heart of the region, allowing you to discover the local culture and traditions up close.

If you’re looking for a more challenging ride, head towards the small wine town Mollet de Peralada. The route takes you through the Parc Natural Dels Aiguamolls, and you’ll enjoy the tranquility of the countryside. This route is challenging but rewarding, with stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

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